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The creation injewelry

The creation of a piece of jewelry

What are the different ways to approach the creation of a personalized jewel? The intellectual and technical side. Of course, there are several ways to proceed to create a jewel. The starting point is the idea. It can already be very precise: you have noticed a jewel that makes you dream in a magazine, or you have already imagined your future jewel. Rest assured, if you do not have a precise idea, which is often the case, I will draw inspiration from our discussion and your personality to present you with a project.

La création d'un bijou en joaillerie
Vous ne possédez ni pierre, ni bijou ?

You don't have any stone or jewelry?

You don't have any stones or jewels to transform. We will then study together what your expectations are while respecting your budget.

Transformation into jewelry

Do you have old jewelry?

You have old jewelry that is either broken or too old for your taste to be worn. I then use stones and gold to offer you a transformation into a modern piece that meets your expectations. In this case, the financial cost is significantly reduced.

Vous possédez de vieux bijoux ?
Vous possédez des pierres ou de l'or ?

Do you have stones or gold?

You only have stones or only gold. In this case, I suggest you provide what is missing. Here again the cost is reduced.

Discover the world of Artero Jewelry

Custom creation of jewelry accessible to all.

Repairs, renovations, estimates, measurements.

Wedding rings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, gold jewelry, etc.

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